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microdermabrasion v dermaplaning 



✔️ Pros

✔️ Removes the vellous hair therefore increasing absorption of homecare products up to 60%. Also making active ingredients double their strength.

✔️ Not as abrasive so considered more suitable for those with a sensitive skin.

✔️ Can perform treatment on pregnant clients

✔️ Can perform treatment on clients with thread veins

❌ Cons

❌ Dermaplaning doesn't unclog the pores but most therapists like to follow with an enzyme peel which dissolves dirt and sebum in the pores.

❌ Dermaplaning can cause breakouts for someone with an oily skin. This is because the vellous hair has been removed so the oil that is produced in the sebaceous gland can not travel up the hair to lubricate the skin, so it can get trapped underneath and cause a spot. But this can be avoided by using the correct skincare for an oily skin

❌ you can only have it every 4 weeks


✔️ Pros

✔️ If a client has spots, with MD you can still work in and around them, with the blade it's not so easy.

✔️ Better for targeting areas such as fine lines and wrinkles

✔️Stimulates collagen through the suction

✔️ Progressive treatment, layer by layer to help a wide range of skin complaints

✔️ Stimulating the internal repair system in the skin triggering new collagen and elastin and boosting circulation and fresh blood flow.

✔️ Treatments can be performed every 7-10 days

❌ Cons

❌ Not suitable for those with rosacea or broken capillaries

❌ More contraindications to treatment than Dermaplaning

❌ Not suitable for pregnant clients


✔️ Remove dead skin cells but microdermabrasion can be used more frequently.

❇️Treatment plan to incorporate both:❇️

Alternate treatments every 3 to 4 weeks when on maintenance of md (after a course of treatments)

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